What is The Hydra-Tap™ used for and what are its capabilities?
The Hydra-Tap™ is designed to support officiating parties in the furtherance of conducting Forward Flows, FDC Backflushes and now encompasses FDC Hydrostatic Testing with the addition of the new Compression Nuts and integral o-rings.
It can sustain residual conditions of up to 1,000 GPM and is rated at 250 PSI for two hours!
How does The Hydra-Tap™ benefit my company or department?
On average, how long does it take a sprinkler fitter to flip an FDC check-valve in order to conduct an FDC Backflush or Forward Flow? 90 to 120 minutes sound fair? With The Hydra-Tap™ they'll be completing either of those services in 20-30 minutes whether it’s a flanged, grooved or wafer check. That translates to increased margins and the ability to push out the competition by providing extremely competitive pricing from day one. Not to mention how happy your sprinkler fitters will be at the prospect of avoiding several hours stuck in a permit required confined space while prying apart pipe that was not designed to be pried apart.
How does The Hydra-Tap™ affect flow rates?
A commonly overlooked feature of check-valves is that the clapper is often weighted, spring-loaded or in some cases both. In order to overcome the resistance applied by the clapper, water must push against it and expel energy which leads to a drop in pressure and volume. The Hydra-Tap™ holds the clapper open, allowing the water to flow freely and achieve excellent flow rates.
How does The Hydra-Tap™ benefit my customers?
Two words: system impairment. The classic approach to FDC Backflushes and Forward Flows involves flipping the FDC check-valve. From the moment the check-valve is removed, that system and the FDC are critically impaired which leaves the building they serve completely unprotected. Even when the check is back in yet backwards (in the furtherance of completing the intended service) and the system is back up, the FDC remains critically impaired due to the reversal of the check-valve which would prevent the fire department from pumping water in should they respond to a fire. Post service the check is once again removed with the intention of putting it back in the correct orientation, again critically impairing the entire system and leaving the building completely unprotected. It’s a recipe for disaster. By using The Hydra-Tap™ this risky situation can be avoided.
How does The Hydra-Tap™ benefit firefighters?
When fire protection contractors use The Hydra-Tap™, the FDC stays in service at all times as opposed to other methods which render it useless. Keeping the FDC operable means crews arriving on scene for fire attack will be better protected when going interior, as well as building occupants, the structure itself and contents therein. Retaining the ability to boost volume and pressure to the sprinkler system and standpipe network is vital and can save lives, the latter of which in many instances is completely inoperable unless supplied via the FDC.